 One Cover For All Seasons 


At Coverstar Arizona we believe in reducing the impact that our industry has on the environment as much as possible.  Our line of automatic and manual track safety covers not only provide safety and security, they play a significant role in reducing a pool's environmental impact by helping reduce chemical, electrical, gas and water use.  

Water Conservation

Water is a precious resource. Due to climate change, water is becoming more of an issue in many parts of the country. Because a Coverstar automatic swimming pool safety cover is on the pool most of the time, you will save up to 90% of the water used by a typical pool without a cover.

Less Pool Chemicals

A Coverstar System can help save up to 70% of the pool chemicals you would use if the pool was uncovered. The energy saved in producing, packaging, and transporting these chemicals are a real benefit to the environment.

Conserving Power & Reducing Pollution

Because the pool is kept much cleaner when an automatic swimming pool safety cover is used, the pool pump and filter use can be reduced dramatically -- down to just a few hours a day. That saves energy, which in turn reduces pollution.

Conserving Natural Gas

When pool water evaporates, it takes heat with it. Because a Coverstar system prevents most evaporation, heating requirements are much less. That saves natural gas which can be used for more essential uses.